Soo Bahk Do
Soo Bahk Do is the scientific use of the body in methods of self defence, combined with a strict philosophy guiding the student towards discovering their full potential.
As a traditional martial art, the purpose of Soo Bahk Do is “to develop every aspect of the self in order to create a mature human being who totally integrates intellect, body, emotions, and spirit.”
It is both a highly effective self defense system and a beautiful, traditional art form. As a balanced, hard/soft style it has something to offer everyone and demands mastery of the whole body. We use Soo Bahk Do to realise our full potential and emphasise “virtue in action” demonstrating courage, discipline, confidence and humility through our sincere efforts in training and our behaviour towards others.
What makes Soo Bahk Do unique is its versatility and philosophy. Throughout the centuries, Korea has been attacked and invaded many times, meaning Soo Bahk Do became versatile out of necessity. This has resulted in an art that demands mastery of the whole body, not just kicking and punching. The challenging techniques taught range from fast and spontaneous to slow, graceful flowing movements that not only give variety but challenge students at all levels.
Soo Bahk Do is an art, not a sport, and great emphasis is placed on the fact it is non-competitive.
“The martial arts of Korea are some of the most ancient known to man (no doubt owing to her close proximity to China), generally thought to have originated during the ‘Three Kingdoms’ period over 2000 years ago. It was then that an elite corps of young aristocrats (the Hwa Rang Dan) renowned for their martial skills and code of ethics, inspired the people of Silla to unite and overthrow the kingdoms of Koguryo and Paekche thus uniting the Korean peninsula for the first time. Also during this period, the primitive art of self defence called Soo Bahk Ki (foot and body fighting) was combined with the warrior principles of the Hwa Rang Dan, and the traditional art of Soo Bahk Do was the result. Later, Soo Bahk Do merged with other combat forms, and shortly after World War II, these were the techniques from which Grandmaster Hwang Kee would develop modern day Soo Bahk Do.”
“The basic purpose for training in Soo Bahk Do is not to injure the enemy, but instead to develop a person who is more advanced in both the mental and physical aspects of life. It is based on the various nature principles of Oriental philosophy. This kind of concept contributes to peace and happiness for all mankind.”
Excerpt from an interview by Alan Sutton of Hwang Kee and HC Hwang, Inside Kung Fu, May 1975.